Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Spying on the Cyclops

I am currently crouched behind a large bolder on the island of the Cyclopes, spying on a certain Polyphemus, the son of Poseidon. We all know of how when Odysseus and his men were trapped in that cave their clever plan to escape unfortunately involved stabbing Polyphemus's eye with a burning log. So he is my next culture to study, along with the other Cyclopes. I am following him around today!

6:00 AM: He has woken up and is walking to the pasture his sheep sleep in at night. He uses his long shepherds crook to tap around to find his path
6:15: After moving them to another area of his island, he heads back to his cave.
6:50: He has taken the ewes to be milked in his cave.
7:47: Having milked the ewes, he strains the milk and sets it aside for cheese making.
12:00: He heads back to the pasture to corral the sheep into yet another pasture. Who knew you could get so many pastures from one island.
2:34 PM: He is sitting under a short tree, lazing flicking flies away from his injured eye. (It is truly ghastly, by the way.) He occasionally stands up and yells and other Cyclopes that are sneakily taking advantage of his blindness by trying to sneak out sheep.
4:00: He returns to the cave to finish making the cheese. He is surprisingly adept at it, despite his handicap.
6:50: He moves the sheep to the same night pasture, and bids them all goodnight.
7:00: He is in bed quite early, ready for another day of shepherding in the morning.

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