Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Day in the Life of Eurymakhos

Good morning everyone! I am here in the palace on Ithaka, and I am waiting for Eurymakhos to wake up so I can secretly follow him for a day. This will surely help me see more of the lives and culture of the suitors, after all Eurymakhos is one of the leaders of the suitors. I wonder when he'll finally get up...

1:00 PM: Eurymakhos has woken up, and is looking around at the piles of men passed out in the hall of the palace from too much wine. 1:01 PM: After groggily looking around for a minute, he kicks people aside and stumbles out to the gardens.
1:03 PM: After relieving himself for an extraordinarily long amount of time, he lies down to take a nap on a flower bed.
1:46 PM: He wakes up again, and stomps off to the pastures.
2:12 PM: He kills a cow and three sheep, then sounds a horn for other suitors to come help him carry them back to the palace
3:30 PM: The huge bonfire is well underway, and Eurymakhos leaves the roasting animals to the suitors lower down in the hierarchy, who seem to always get stuck with the grunt work.
5:30 PM: Eurymakhos eats his first meal of the night sitting at a gold chair.
5:43 PM: He finishes his meal and goes chasing after a palace maid.
5:57 PM: Abandoning his pursuit of the maid, he returns to the hall and drinks three goblets of wine in a matter of seconds.
9:32 PM: After telling boastful stories for hours, a second meal is eaten.
10:45 PM: A huge fight broke out, and after watching it for a few minutes, Eurymakhos helps break it up.
10:56 PM: He has gotten a fist to the eye and so goes down to the kitchen to wash the blood off his face.
11:30 PM: He eats a third dinner
12:50 PM: He listens to the minstrel sing for a while, and falls asleep.
1:00 AM: He is asleep for good now, after a hard day of partying.

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