Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Interview With Calypso

Calypso obviously had a thing for Odysseus. She kept him on her desert island for seven years, after all. So when Athena asked Zeus to let him go, I doubt she sent sent him off with no regrets. So I chatted with her about that, and how she's doing now.

Emma: What were your initial thoughts when Hermes told you you had to let Odysseus go?
Calypso: Have you not read the book? There was an entire epic poem written about me, so maybe you should check there. I bet my initial thoughts are written there.
E: Well, the entire poem of the Odyssey was more about Odysseus, not you exactly.
C: Whatever. I'm just so over all that. Odysseus is like a distant memory to me now. Like I care.
E: Ok, so how are you doing now?
C: I'm fine. [lower lip trembles] Really fine. [bursts into tears]
E: Aw, it's okay. There are other fish in the sea, Calypso!
C: EWW! I am not interested in fish. I want my Odysseus back!!

And here the interview had to be cut short as Calypso started throwing things at me and retreated into her bedroom then. I am sorry for that. Poor girl.

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