Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Day in the Life of Circe

I am currently looking snoopishly into a window of Circe's Hall, waiting for her to rise from her threatening canopy bed.

8:30 Am: She wakes, grabs what looks like a perfume bottle and sprays the bugs that are helplessly flying around under the canopy of her bed, trapped there. They make tiny screams and fall out of the air, dead or paralyzed. With a move of her arms the bedclothes fly off her bed and with a whoosh she leaves the room.
9:00: After spending a ridiculously long amount of time in the bathroom, she emerges with an intricate twisty hairstyle that is as beautiful as it is terrifying. She stalks down the hall and sits at a huge loom.
12:07 PM: She has been weaving for hours! The giant tapestry it quite interesting actually. But back to Circe
12:09: She gets a lunch of honey and cheese and eats it petulantly, glaring off into the distance.
12:58: She finishes her lunch and comes to a stopping point in her weaving. She leaves the room and heads off down a small hallway. Off to the side is a room with a tiny window just large enough to peek into. Dried herbs hang from racks on the ceiling and small potted plants cover the counter tops. I swear there's a ferret in a cage across the room. She puts together many herbs into a mortar and pestle, then grinds them up.
1:45: Turns out, making evil potions takes longer than I previously thought. I have resorted to sitting on the ground outside the room and eating my reserves of cheese and crackers, and checking her progress every five minutes.
1:50: She is singing some crazy song now, and adding in some powdery stuff.
1:55: She is now boiling the same mixture, but is shaking a long branch around above it.
2:00: She--crap on a cracker! She's gone!
2:06: After hiding in a nearby bush, I figure she's not on my tail, and find her back in the hall.
2:30: She seems to hear something. There is a knock on the door.
2:51: It is a group of men, and she is treating them to an exquisite feast with plenty of wine. All of the sudden, they turn into pigs! Who would have thought. It must have been that potion she was whipping up earlier. She cackles then gets out a long stick and prods them into a pen outside the hall. They seems dejected as she padlocks the gate and flounces back into the hall.
5:24: After resuming her weaving for a few hours, she goes out and feeds the pig men some table scraps. She laughs as they root around.
6:30: She eats a dinner of a cheese pottage and wine.
9:45: After a hard day of evil, she heads to bed.

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