Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Circe's Ancestry

My, my! What an interesting family Circe has! Her father was the sun god Helios (famed for stealing his father's chariot and forever having to fly across the sky in it). Her mother was the Oceanid Perse. She has two brothers, both one time kings of Colchis, Æëtes and Perses. Theres a story. Perses threw his brother out of power to claim the thrown of Colchis. Unfortunately, this was not to last, as his niece, Medea killed him for the crown soon after. Her sister Pasiphaë is also quite a character. She is reputed to have mated with a bull after Poseidon put a powerful curse on her, and subsequently gave birth to the Minotaur, which was part man and part bull. Circe herself is just one of those lovely bunch, but I reckon she has plenty of dirty secrets form the past to reveal. Lets see!

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