Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Interview With Polyphemus

I sat down with Polyphemus to find out what he thinks about Odysseus, being a blind shepherd, and his life now.

Emma: Why were you so antagonistic to Odysseus and his men?
Polyphemus: I can't help it, I'm a monster! Its not like I meant to be this way, I just cant help eating and terrorizing men.
E: So do you think they could have been more understanding of you?
P: Well, it would have been nice, but I would have tried to kill them anyway. Like I said, I can't help it.
E: What are some of the difficulties you face being blind now? How has it affected your livelihood?
P: Well, as you can imagine, there has to be a certain amount of vision involved in tending sheep. They move places. It would be nicer for me if they stayed in one spot and just ate sometimes.
E: What about making cheese? I understand you did that quite a bit.
P: Well, cheese doesn't move around when your trying to find it, so its not very hard. Use your head.
E: Sorry. So have you been being treated any different by the other Cyclopes?
P: Yeah, they think they can get away with anything if I'm blind. But I can hear them, I think they forget that fact. And when you pick up a sheep and start running, it's pretty loud.
E: Well, thank you for your time.
P: Don't take any sheep on the way out.

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